Learn, Share, Grow - Why You Should Reinvent the Wheel

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Below is a lesson from The Green Notebook on the balanced approach to innovation and leadership, as well as our key learnings.

The Blue Courage team is dedicated to continual learning and growth.  We have adopted a concept from Simon Sinek’s Start With Why team called “Learn, Share, Grow”.  We are constantly finding great articles, videos, and readings that have so much learning.  As we learn new and great things, this new knowledge should be shared for everyone to then grow from.

Why You Should Reinvent the Wheel

by Todd Schmidt

How many times throughout your career has someone told you to not reinvent the wheel?

Scientists estimate that the wheel has been around since about 3500 BC. Originally used for manufacturing pottery, milling, irrigation, and children’s toys, someone figured out that it would be great for hauling (the wheelbarrow). Then someone else figured out that the wheel could be used for transportation (the chariot). From solid wheels, carved from stone and wood, to spoked, metal-rimmed wheels, to the basic pneumatic technology we see in use today, the simple machine of wheel and axle is timeless. 

Yet, while the general principle of the wheel has not changed in about 6000 years, the concept of the wheel has been reinvented countless times throughout history. The material compounds, design construct, tread efficiency and longevity have all changed. And they will continue to change. These factors to include advanced digital components of future wheels will be unlike anything we see on our roads today. 

So why have humans continued to reinvent the wheel? 

Continue reading here.

Key Learnings:

  • The concept of the wheel has been reinvented countless times over millennia to improve upon its design and functionality.

  • While there is value in not duplicating efforts unnecessarily, there are times when reinventing the wheel, or reimagining existing processes, is necessary to drive meaningful change and progress.

  • Leaders need to challenges the notion of maintaining the status quo and avoiding risk, particularly in leadership roles. Leaders who resist reinventing the wheel may be clinging to outdated practices and hindering progress out of fear of change or failure.

  • There is an inherent risks associated with making significant changes or innovations, especially within organizations with established norms or traditions. Leaders must be willing to accept and mitigate risks in pursuit of meaningful change.

  • Adopt an aggressive and progressive leadership approach that goes beyond superficial changes. Make impactful decisions, embracing change, and don't be afraid to challenge existing norms or reinvent processes when necessary.

  • A balanced approach to innovation and leadership is important; leaders must understand the value of tradition and established practices while also advocating for boldness and creativity in driving meaningful change and progress.

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