A Week of Gratitude

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In the spirit of the Thanksgiving holiday, from November 19-25, 2017, we are dedicating this week to giving gratitude.

A Week of Gratitude challenge:
Gratitude is an important contributor to positive psychology and re-wiring your brain to develop a pattern of positivity instead of negativity. This week long challenge will help jump-start your way toward a more healthier, positive path!

Below is the challenge for each day.  Once you have reflected upon these 3 things:

1. Write them down or journal about them.
2. Express your gratitude to others.

Day 1: Think of 3 meaningful experiences that you are grateful for. How have they enhanced your life? Who was involved? How has it increased your ability to help others?

Day 2: Think of 3 colleagues that you are grateful for. How have they enhanced your life? How has it increased your ability to help others? Have you expressed this gratitude to them?

Day 3: Think of 3 opportunities you were given that you are grateful for. How have they enhanced your life? Who offered you these opportunities? How has it increased your ability to help others?

Day 4: Think of 3 mentors/teachers that you are grateful for. How have they enhanced your life? What lessons have you learned from them? How has it increased your ability to help others?

Day 5: Think of 3 loved ones that you are grateful for. How have they enhanced your life? Do you express this love on a daily basis? How have they increased your ability to help others?

Day 6: Think of a time when you overcame adversity. What 3 things have you learned that you are grateful for? Who was involved? How has it enhanced your ability to serve?

Day 7: Think of 3 prized possessions that you are grateful for. How do they enhance your life? Why are they of value to you? What memories do they represent?

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