Dhri Crusade – In Reflection
Crusade = a determined attempt to achieve a strong belief in a noble cause
September 30, 2019
Our team has now made their way home from our pilgrimage through India, with the last of our team arriving on Saturday.
As we slowly get back into our normal routine and daily lives, we can’t help but reflect on our time spent in India, on our Dhri Crusade. The lessons learned and discussed, the building of stronger relationships with each other and those we work closest with, the experiences of the journey, the emotions felt. There is so much to take away from our time spent in India, and we want to keep the fire going — keep the momentum of what this journey has provided, and continue the Dhri Crusade beyond our time in India…continue it in our daily practices, influence, and actions.
Our team has committed to a 21 Day Challenge to enforce the teachings of the journey into our day-to-day lives. By committing to at least 2 daily practices starting tomorrow (October 1st), we keep fanning the flames of the energy from our journey. We invite you to join in the challenge as well! Below are some suggested daily practices that can help us to become the best person we can be, the best vision of ourselves.
While the official Dhri Crusade in India has come to and end, the Dhri Crusade lives on inside each of us!
Suggested daily practices:
- First 30 minutes of the day – morning rituals and commitments. Instead of picking up your phone, turning on your computer, or watching the news, how you spend your first 30 minutes of the day sets the tone for the entire day. Try meditating, spending some time in silence, reflecting and making commitments/intentions.
- Meditate each morning and evening – even for just 16 seconds, starting the day and closing the day with meditation will help provide needed balance for health and well-being
- Read the lessons and learning as provided in our Dhri Crusade blog, or review lessons learned throughout the day
- Write in your journal – a great way to capture thoughts, gratitude, reflections, commitments, and a release from the stressors and/or events of the day
- Set your intentions for the day (what do you commit yourself to, just for today?)
- Practice the 3 gates of communication – (1) Is it true? (2) Is it necessary? (3) Is it kind? (See Day 5 Post: https://bluecourage.com/dhri-crusade-day-5-laser-focus-surrender-to-the-fire-of-transformation/)
- Physical activity, ex: Yoga, Tabata, Stretching
- Recapitulation – reflection. Review the events of the day in stillness and silence. Reflect upon what has happened, what you have learned, what you are grateful for, what you commit to moving forward, etc.
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