Learn, Share, Grow – 5 Leadership Lessons from the Winter 2018 Olympics

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Below is a lesson from Thrive Global on the leadership lessons from the 2018 Winter Olympics, as well as our key learning.

The Blue Courage team is dedicated to continual learning and growth.  We have adopted a concept from Simon Sinek’s Start With Why team called “Learn, Share, Grow”.  We are constantly finding great articles, videos, and readings that have so much learning.  As we learn new and great things, this new knowledge should be shared for everyone to then grow from.


5 Leadership Lessons from the Winter 2018 Olympics

What Olympic Athletes Can Teach about Career Success

by Whitney Hopler

As many of the world’s top athletes gather in PyeongChang, South Korea for the 2018 Winter Olympics, their incredible skills will capture the attention of people worldwide. But what’s even more compelling than the fastest bobsled race, highest ski jump, or most elegant figure skating program is the Olympic spirit that runs through the athletes’ stories.

Olympians draw their inspiration from a set of core values that prepare them to do their best as they compete, and to respond gracefully to whatever happens as a result of their best efforts. Each of those Olympic values relates to the timeless values of leadership that is fueled by well-being. Olympic athletes are known for their strength because they take good care of their well-being – body, mind, and spirit – to excel as leaders in their sports. No matter what type of work you do, you can grow stronger and excel at it by learning Olympic values as you watch this Winter Olympics. Here’s how…

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Our key learnings:

  • Olympians draw their inspiration from a set of core values that prepare them to do their best as they compete, and to respond gracefully to whatever happens as a result of their estimate efforts.  These values relate to the timeless values of leadership that is fueled by well-being.
  • Olympic athletes are known for their strength because they take good care of their well-being — body, mind, and spirit — to excel as leaders in their sports.
  • 5 Core Values that we can learn from our Olympic athletes:
    • Love what you do – Choose work that aligns well with your personal strengths and interests. Then enjoy it!
    • Do your best with every opportunity – strive to put your best effort into everything you do, no matter what type of circumstances you may be facing at the time.
    • Respect and encourage your teammates – respect each other’s value as people, and also as team players who make valuable contributions to each other.
    • Approach both success and failure gracefully – win or lose, respond with a graceful attitude that inspires others to consider what matters most: not the results of a single event, but the character of the person involved.
    • Keep learning and growing – constantly learn from your experiences and grow to become a stronger person as a result.

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