Learn, Share, Grow – Anxious, Stressed or Burnt Out?
Below is a lesson from Forbes on signs of stress, anxious, and burnt out and steps toward coping with these feelings, as well as our key learning.
The Blue Courage team is dedicated to continual learning and growth. We have adopted a concept from Simon Sinek’s Start With Why team called “Learn, Share, Grow”. We are constantly finding great articles, videos, and readings that have so much learning. As we learn new and great things, this new knowledge should be shared for everyone to then grow from.
Anxious, Stressed Or Feeling Burned Out? You’re Not Alone: Here Are Tips To Overcome Those Feelings
By Jack Kelly
In our society, we will offer our well wishes to someone who sustains a bodily injury, such as a broken leg. However, when it comes to mental health matters, there’s radio silence. We are uniquely uncomfortable dealing with mental health issues, like stress, anxiety or burnout.
Studies show that the major source of stress is related to a person’s job. Think of your own situation at work. How many of us need herculean strength to get out of bed in the morning and go into the office? Once at work, do you immediately start feeling uncomfortable or nervous? Are you finding yourself becoming easily irritated or impatient with your boss, clients and co-workers? By the afternoon, is all of your energy depleted and you legitimately dread trying to make it through the rest of the day? Is there a lack of job satisfaction and fulfillment? Are you at a loss for what to do next?
Continue reading here.
Key Learnings:
- Studies show that the major source of stress is related to a person’s job.
- In addition to pressures at work, we are bombarded with constant bad news, worry about the security of our jobs, how to save enough to retire, set aside funds for our children’s college tuition, staying ahead of one medical misfortune that could bankrupt you.
- The feeling of stress is a response to a threatening or demanding situation — and anxiety is the way you react to the stress. Burnout is characterized as a state of emotional and physical exhaustion. This is brought about by long periods of constant, unabated and unrelenting stress.
- Some behaviors people exhibit when they are feeling stressed, anxious and burnt out:
- Overly critical of their job, boss, co-workers and company
- Take a large number of days off from work
- Easily annoyed, quick to get angry and lashing out at the people around them
- Lack energy, drive, motivation and passion
- Have trouble concentrating
- Report headaches, backaches and other physical ailments
- Feel constantly overwhelmed and exhausted
- Have trouble sleeping or sleeping too much—the same when it comes to eating
- Withdraw from social engagements
- Easily frustrated, resentful and feeling helpless and lost
- Things you can do right now to make a positive step forward in coping with the feelings of stress, anxiety and burnout:
- Recognize that there is a problem and seek help.
- Don’t be ashamed to share your feelings with family and friends.
- Take breaks during the workday to recharge.
- Find fulfilling activities and hobbies to do after work and on the weekends.
- Take a mental health day every once in awhile.
- Share your thoughts and feelings with your manager.
- Focus on your physical, mental and emotional health.
- Take more frequent vacations.
- Take 15 minutes to relax daily.
- Discern the trigger, take a mental pause and internally reflect before you react.
- Seek out a new job that will make you happy.
Do you have resources that you would like to share? Contact us, we’d love to hear from you!
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