Learn, Share, Grow – Don’t Be Afraid of Failure

learn share grow

Below is a lesson from Forbes on how failure can lead to greatness, as well as our key learning.

The Blue Courage team is dedicated to continual learning and growth.  We have adopted a concept from Simon Sinek’s Start With Why team called “Learn, Share, Grow”.  We are constantly finding great articles, videos, and readings that have so much learning.  As we learn new and great things, this new knowledge should be shared for everyone to then grow from.


by Jill Griffin

Resilience. It’s the secret ingredient to success. If you can figure out how to stay the course and get back in the game after failure, you’ll go places and you’ll make the difference you were intended to make.

The truth is, most people that we revere spent more time down for the count than they did in the fight itself. The list is endless, but here are a couple that quickly come to mind. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before he created the light bulb. Richard Branson dropped out of school at 15. His prospects looked grim at that point, don’t you think? And yet he became one of the leading businesspeople on the planet. He’s also battled dyslexia over the years, with all of the struggles associated with it.

That’s just two out of tens of thousands of people who changed the world. The lesson in all of these great people’s stories is if you haven’t failed, you’re not reaching high enough. You’re not stretching yourself. Playing it safe sounds easier at first glance, but here’s why that’s not true: It’s only a veneer of safety, a mirage that makes us feel better while we stay comfortably numb, never accomplishing the things we’re meant to accomplish.

If you are going places, failure is just part of the deal, but that’s OK. You can fix failure. You can’t fix the things you never tried. You can’t undo those things you never attempted in the first place. If you stop trying, you’ll always wonder about what could have been. That kind of regret is a heavy burden that a lot of people will bear because they played it safe, or maybe even failed a time or two and gave up.

Continue reading here.

Key Learnings:

  • If you can figure out how to stay the course and get back in the game after failure, you’ll go places and make the difference you were intended to make.
  • If you haven’t failed, you’re not reaching high enough.
  • Playing it safe sounds easier at first glance, but it’s only a mirage that makes us feel better while we stay comfortably numb, never accomplishing the things we’re meant to accomplish.
  • To go places failure is part of the deal — but you can fix failure. You can’t fix things you never tried.
  • Half of us believe that we’re not getting to do what we do best every day. Only half of us are chasing our dreams, using our strengths and talents, and joyfully moving forward while relishing the journey. (Gallup Organization)
  • Quitting becomes a habit.
  • Failure doesn’t have to be the final verdict. Maybe failure is a sign, red flag that something is wrong that needs to be fixed. Don’t why away from that.

Do you have a resources that you would like to share? Contact us, we’d love to hear from you!

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