Dhri Crusade – Day 5 – Laser Focus/Surrender to the Fire of Transformation
September 20, 2019
It’s 7 am. The team of the Dhri Crusade began to gather for their morning meditation and yoga at the temple of prayer within the hotel grounds. The leeches clung to the sides of the walls as friendly dragonflies fluttered around. The temperature and humidity was still bearable as a gentle breeze occasionally rustled through the air.
The meditation teachings, as depicted below, offered a lesson on filtering our spoken words. Yoga worked our core. It was a great way to start the day.
The Dhri Crusade took us into the city of Varanasi today, the oldest city in India. The streets were loud and extremely crowded. The small alleyways that took us to the destination of the day were tight and like a maze. It was extremely humid and hot. The experience was an assault on all of your senses at once. There were cows and street dogs moseying about. There were animal defecation everywhere. The smell of food was mixed with a thousand other smells. The destruction of old buildings was hard to miss. And your heart hurt as you were forced to ignore beggars and panhandlers for safety.
We visited an old crematorium where we saw a few bodies wrapped gently in beautiful cloth preparing to be cremated. Through the sweat, long walk, and trying experience, we were able to pay a short visit to the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi’s most sacred Hindu temple. For the first time, they are allowing foreigners to enter the temple, but nothing is allowed on your person except your passport.
While each city offers a different adventure, breathtaking beauty and humbling experiences, Varanasi has been the most humbling so far.
We invite you to learn about the three filters or gates for the spoken word below.
The 3 gates/filters before you speak
1. Is it true – if not, it doesn’t need to be spoken. Verify facts before spreading it.
2. Is it necessary – just because you have information or because it’s in your head doesn’t mean it needs to be spoken. Socrates: “does it improve upon the silence?”
3. Is it kind – chose to speak kindly. Just because it appears unkind doesn’t mean that it is…it’s your interpretation. And if you must say something that appears to be unkind, at least do it kindly. Have compassion. For example, if you are no longer in love with a spouse and know it is the truth and is necessary to say, it’s unkind to continue lying to them.
Allowing our words to pass through these filters allows us to flow more purely and communicate more consciously. Also keep in mind that when speaking, it needs to be the right moment.
Throughout our journey through India, our Dhri Crusade, have assigned a daily theme that our attention will be focused on enhancing, which are centered around the 7 chakras here.
Today’s Theme:
The Solar Plexus MANIPURA
Colour Yellow, 10 Lotus Petal, Element Fire, Sense of Sight
Transformation: intentions, desires, following through, focus, power
Mantra RAM
Affirmation I DO
Day 5 theme: Laser Focus — to surrender to the fire of transformation
- Where must I be doing better?
- Am I intentionally cultivating the tools of transformation? Transformation is evolution — It is not change. There’s no going back. “Burn the boats!”
- Transformation is: 1) moving from want to desire 2) taking action — what are you willing to blow up? What are you willing to engage in battle with yourself about?
- Where do I see myself in the future? How do I get there?
- Who do I want to be?
- What new and better behaviors must I learn?
- What new heartset, mindset, skillset, toolset do I need?
- What distractions must I say no to?
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